康奈尔大学暑期学分课程 Green Cities 绿色城市
Green Cities
Instructor 课程讲师
Dr. Alex Kudryavtsev
Course Description 课程简介
This course examines the history and future of the ecological city and the technological and social forces that continue to shape it. Metropolitan transformation is explored in conjunction with alternative transportation, renewable energy, green infrastructure, recycling and resource management, and sustainable economics as means toward advancing cities to become the basis of an ecologically sound and socially just society. The first part of the course introduces students to the long, but often overlooked, history of environmental city development in the western planning tradition. The second part of the course reviews present-day efforts to apply these approaches in the face of modern metropolitan challenges to creating ecologically responsible cities. Specific case studies are studied within the theoretical context and political struggles that frame them.
Final Project Examples 期末项目展示
Each year, students write individual research essays that address various urban environmental issues. Students can also work on group projects, such as writing ebook chapters or producing short videos related to green cities.
Students' final video project, Summer 2018
Students' final eBook project, Summer 2019
Download the eBook 下载电子书
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